Spotting a Greater Roadrunner in the wild is not an unusual occurrence for birdwatchers in Maricopa county. Unlike some difficult to identify birds, Roadrunners are easily recognizable. Few birds are more entrenched in the minds […]
Category Archives: Wildlife
“Images Arizona” Magazine Article
I’m very excited to announce that several of my photographs have been featured in the February, 2024 edition of “Images Arizona” magazine. The February edition celebrates Valentine’s Day, and what could be more appropriate than […]
Avian Logos
In the corporate world, businesses create logos to help consumers identify their products. If I mention Coca-Cola, I’ll bet your mind immediately envisions that company’s logo. Try visualizing the logos when I mention McDonald’s, Amazon, […]
Wolves of the Sky – Harris’s Hawks
Harris’s Hawks can frequently be seen riding the thermals in the skies above the southwestern United States including most of Maricopa County, southern Arizona, Texas, Mexico and into South America. They’ve been dubbed “Wolves of […]
Out of Africa – An Arizona Photo Safari
Let’s face it, not many people can afford to go to Africa on a photography safari. Although we’re able to enjoy beautiful film documentaries and photographs on television or the Internet, that’s only vicariously living […]
Learning About New Sights & Sounds – A Burrowing Owl Owlet’s Perspective
For those of you who have been fortunate enough to have seen a young owl, you may have noticed how “cute” it appears to be when it bobs its head up and down or to […]
2023 Calendar Photo Winner
I’m honored to announce that one of my photographs was selected as one of 12 photographs to be included in the Arizona Game and Fish (AZGFD) annual calendar. For more than 15 years AZGFD has […]
Gambel’s Quail Chicks – Harbingers of Spring
Distinctive, elegant, iconic – words you can easily apply to the adult Gambel’s Quail of the Sonoran Desert. Adorable, loveable, and just plain cute are words that describe their chicks. Springtime in the desert is […]
Portal Arizona – A Bird Photographer’s Paradise
What, you’ve never heard of Portal, Arizona? Well, if you enjoy bird watching, bird photography or just plain “getting away from it all”, I think you need to Google it. I visited there for a […]
American Kestrels – Pint-sized Hunters
These pint-sized residents of our Sonoran Desert have a body length of around 10 inches and weigh in at about 5 ounces which makes them North America’s smallest falcon. But don’t let their diminutive size […]