A new year has dawned, and for my first post of the year, I’m going to tell you a little about a great wildlife organization here in the Phoenix, Arizona area that rescues native wild animals that have lost their homes, been injured or otherwise abandoned. Whenever possible, the animals are rehabilitated and returned to their wild habitat. Those animals that can not survive again in the wild are maintained at the sanctuary for the rest of their lives. It is a noble and very worthwhile organization and is worthy of your support. Southwest Wildlife is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Although requests for assistance with wildlife come from state and federal agencies, individuals, law enforcement, and veterinarians, they are funded solely through private donations, fundraising and grants.
If you live, or happen to be visiting the area, be sure to schedule a tour (reservations should be made in advance as tour sizes are limited). The guides are thoroughly knowledgeable about the animals and you have the opportunity to hear some of the animals’ individual stories. A fascinating journey well worth your time. For more information about Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center, visit their web site at: http://www.southwestwildlife.org/.
Above are a few photographs of their bobcats and one of a mountain lion which I took during my tour since these beautiful animals are two of my favorites. The fenced enclosures present a bit of a photographic challenge, but since these are wild animals, human safety comes first. Click on the first image to display larger versions.